Foundation Repair Services in Duluth

We Work to Ensure Your Home Has a Sturdy Base

helical piers for foundation repair

Your home is likely the most expensive and among the most important things that you own. We understand why noticing the signs that you need foundation repair can be an anxiety-producing experience.

At Alliance Inc., we are here to work with you to find the right solution to your foundation problems. Serving the entire Duluth, Minnesota, area, Alliance has the technical expertise and foundation repair products to ensure that your home’s base is strong and stable enough your house and give you peace of mind.

How Do I Know If My Duluth Home Has Foundation Problems

Unless your foundation is exposed enough where you can see cracking, you probably won’t be able to go looking for damage to the foundation itself.

The thing about foundation problems, though, is that the symptoms show up throughout your house, from the roof to the walls to the floor.

Signs of Foundation Problems

Foundation block cracking
  • Wall, Ceiling and Floor Cracks: Not all cracks in your walls, ceilings and floors indicate foundation damage. Hairline cracks are common, and some building materials such as drywall aren’t the strongest substances on earth. That being said, though, larger cracks are worrisome and certain types of cracks (such as horizontal wall cracks) are good indicators of foundation issues.
  • Sticking Doors and Windows: As a foundation settles unevenly, it throws off the alignment of many things in the house. This is what causes the cracks, but it also leads to sticking doors and windows that suddenly no longer fit perfectly.
  • Tilting Chimney: Your chimney is about as far from your foundation as your house gets. Because of the way foundation problems affect your house, however, even the chimney is affected. If you begin to notice your chimney tilting, it might be a sign of a problem much lower.
  • Sloping and Uneven Floors: As your foundation settles unevenly, your floors can become uneven as well. If you notice your floors starting to slope, it is time to have your foundation looked at. Even if it is not a foundation issue, other structural problems could be the cause.

Foundation Repair Solutions

If your foundation assessment comes with with problems, we recommend getting them fixed as soon as possible. While your house likely isn’t in imminent danger of collapse, the longer foundation problems go unfixed the worse the damage gets.

That also means the cost to repair them will likely rise.

At Alliance Inc., our company not only adheres to the highest foundation, crawl space, and structural standards, we strive to be the industry leader in the home improvement-related services we provide. Our installation crews are foundation repair specialists and we use only state of art products and technology.

Foundation Underpinning

excavation being done in anticipation of foundation repair

If your foundation issues stem from unstable soil beneath your home, one common fix is to use deeper soil that is strong enough to support your home. You do this by installing foundation helical piers.

Foundation underpinning, the installation of foundation piers, transfers the weight of the home onto the piers that are themselves anchored in a deeper, stronger layer of soil.

One of the types of foundation piers is helical piers. Helical piers consist of a metal rod with helical plates attached, giving them the appearance of large screws.

We “screw” the helical piers down into the soil until the torque readings indicate the piers are in strong enough soil to support the weight of the house.

Then we attach the piers to the foundation footings with a bracket, lifting and leveling the foundation.

Seeking a Foundation Repair Contractor Near You in Duluth? Give Alliance a Call

​At Alliance Inc, we pride ourselves in working with our customers to find the solutions that are right for their home. We do professional estimates, quick inspections, and fast installations. We don’t dawdle so you can get a top-quality repair job with the least possible stress. Call or text us for more information or fill out the form below.

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